Saturday 7 May 2016

The Muse descended

After struggling for several weeks to find both the time and the inspiration to continue with my two main works in progress, this past few days I haven't stopped! Every spare minute I've been typing or scribbling notes.
Why did this happen? I was welcomed into a writer's circle and my new friends offered honest and thoughtful critiques of my work. A whole new perspective and a revelation on how to improve my work. It's reinvigorated my desire to write.
So, what did I write this week?
I have added to my sci-fi novel, Mergers and Acquisitions, and more importantly I've added 5000 words to Legacy.
This week I'm concentrating on a torture scene. Put myself off my tea!
Can't wait to finish today's chores so I can get writing. And I've booked tomorrow off work.....

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