Saturday 28 March 2020

Coronavirus - stay home (and write) 2

This is day 12 of my husband's illness. I believe he is a little better - the gaps between debilitating bouts of coughing seem longer. Today I am exhausted. Just having a shower and getting dressed wiped me out. I can almost hear my mind issuing instructions to my limbs to move. My chest hurts. It seems that at some point in the night a person or persons unknown put a tonne weight on my chest and then took a file to my throat. That's what it feels like anyway. Hope its just a cold and stress and not the virus.

On the plus side, I found some hidden paracetamol. Yippee!

Still no luck getting any shopping organised. I'm not on the right lists apparently. That or the supermarkets are still waiting for the government list (I am registered as vulnerable to Covid-19) - pick whichever excuse you like from the call-centre list.

I did manage to get a visit from a fully gowned up district nurse yesterday. Luckily my blood tests are improving. The poor nurse had to strip off her protective clothing on my front lawn and stuff it into a sealed bag, leaving it there with the instruction that I was to double-bag it, leave it for 72 hours and then throw it away. Scary, but necessary precautions in these times.

Now I am at the keyboard and waiting for inspiration. I will try to write a new chapter for Mergers and Acquisitions and if that proves beyond me I will edit Legacy - book 2 in my historical fiction trilogy.

Keep safe everyone.

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